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Elastic Boot Laces™
Shoe Lace Alternative For Your Boots

Manufactured by:

Stretchlace II, LLC
P.O. Box 421
Seekonk, MA 02771


Uses: New! Stretch boot lace made of infra red resistant Cordura nylon

Available in these lengths 40, 56, and 72.
Boot Lace picture
Colors: Black, Floiage Green, Ranger Green, Camo Green, Tan and Coyote.
How to order: (Prepaid via check or money order in US Currency. We also accept visa or master card, Please provide card number, expiration date and security code along with the name on the card and billing address for the card. Please use order form to call, email or fax order to us.

Retail price: 40" - $6.15 56" - $6.50 72" - $6.85 per pair Minimum order 3 pair.
Shipping & handling: $6.00 per order, including combinations of products

We ship USPS & UPS, so please provide a street address.
Send your name, address, payment, quantity & colors desired to:
Stretchlace II, LLC
P.O. Box 421
Seekonk, MA 02771  USA

C.O.D. orders can be done by E-Mail within the USA

Distributors &
Wholesalers welcome:
How to contact us:

Tel: 1-800-594-5843 or
       (508) 336-2405
Fax: (508) 336-2406
US Mail: Stretchlace II, LLC
               P.O. Box 421
               Seekonk, MA  02771  USA